Medication Information

    If you have any students that need to receive medication at school, please fill out the Medicine Dispensing Consent Form  and deliver it to the nurse's office with the medication. All medication must remain locked in the nurse's office. With the exception of inhalers, no student will be permitted to carry any medication on their person. Please refer to the Student Handbook (or text below) for more information regarding medication at school.
    Medication at school:
    Medication may be administered to students at school under certain conditions.
     Administration of Medication:
    All prescription and over the counter (OTC) medication must be accompanied by a completed medication consent form, and turned in to the school nurse at the campus where the student is attending.
    A parent will be provided a copy of their signed medication consent form for easy reference to medication policies.
    A parent/guardian must deliver and pick up medication from the nurse’s office. Medication delivered by a student will not be administered.
    For controlled substances (ADD/ADHD medication, prescription pain medication, etc.), medication will be counted in the presence of a parent/guardian, and both the parent/guardian and the school employee will sign for the medication. If the medication is brought to school, and has not gone through this process, it will not be administered.
    The Texas Nurse Practice Act requires clarification of any medication order that the school nurse has reason to believe is inaccurate, non-efficacious, or contraindicated, by consulting with the appropriate licensed practitioner.
    ACA employees will not administer expired medications, nor will they be required to administer any medication that exceeds recommended dosage.
    Medication must be in original, properly labeled containers. Prescription labels must clearly state the student’s name, name of medication, and directions for dispensation. No medication brought in unlabeled containers or baggies will be given.
    Sample containers of medications provided by a physician’s office will require a physician’s written order with student’s name, name of medication, and directions for dispensation in order to be administered at school.
    ACA employees will not administer any substance that is not approved and regulated by the FDA including, but not limited to home remedies, plants, herbs, and vitamins.
    Cough drops are approved for administration at school, but must be kept in the school nurse’s office.
    A new prescription label will be required for any permanent medication changes.
    The first dose of any medication must be given at home in case of an unexpected adverse reaction.
    Medication may be given by non-licensed, trained personnel.
    Medication must remain in the nurse’s office in a locked cabinet.
         Asthma inhalers,
         Epinephrine pens, and
         Diabetic medication and supplies
    Exceptions to this rule are:
    No student may carry any medication on their person, unless a completed Student Self Carry/Administration of Medication Packet is on file with the nurse. This paperwork can be obtained from your student’s school nurse.
    Please note that part of this packet must be completed by the prescribing physician.
    A parent or parent representative with a signed note from the parent must pick up any leftover medication by the last day of school or the medication will be destroyed. Student medication will not be stored at school over the summer.
    Medication Self-Administration:
    In order for a student to be eligible to carry/administer their medication (inhaler, epinephrine pen, or diabetic medication/supplies) on their person, certain criteria must be met.
    • Completion of a Student Self Carry/Administration of Medication Packet, which includes a written request from the prescribing physician.
      • This request is valid for one (1) school year, and must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
    • The student must demonstrate the ability to properly identify the symptoms for which the medication should be administered (i.e. wheezing, shortness of breath, etc.).
    • The student must demonstrate the ability to properly self-administer the medication.
      • They must also demonstrate understanding of safety factors, including the responsibility related to carrying his or her medication.
    • The student must carry the emergency medication in the properly labeled, original container.
    • ACA employees reserve the right to require any medication be kept in the nurse’s office if, in the nurse’s judgment, the student cannot, or will not carry the medication in a safe and responsible manner.
    • If the student fails to, or does not comply with the physician’s instructions, ACA may reconsider the permission to carry the medication.


    Medication on Field Trips or Field Day
    On days a student with medication has a field trip, the school nurse will send either single dosed labeled containers, or the properly labeled medication for the following medications:
    • Asthma inhalers
    • Epinephrine pens
    • Diabetic medication and supplies
    • Any medication taken at school on a daily basis
      • As needed medications (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.) will not be sent on field trips. 
    If a parent wishes a daily dose to be waived for field trips, or Field Day, they must submit a written request to the school nurse’s office that states the student’s name, name of medication, and which day they would like the dose to be waived. This request should be submitted no later than 5 days before the scheduled event.
    The school nurse will designate a staff member who will administer medications on a field trip or Field Day. The designated staff member will follow ACA policies for medication administration. The responsibility to administer medications on field trips or Field Day cannot be delegated to parent volunteers or other chaperones.
    • The school nurse will train all school personnel whom he or she designated to administer medication prior to that designee’s administration of any medication.