English as Second Language Services
Arlington Classics Academy serves students who qualify for the English as a Second Language program. When students enroll in a Texas public school, the parent indicates the home and student language. If any language other than English is listed, a student's language proficiency is assessed.
If a student qualifies for ESL services, they receive instruction from an ESL-certified teacher. At the Primary campus, the homeroom teacher is certified. At the Intermediate and Middle Schools, the English Language Arts teacher is ESL-certified.
ACA ESL Parent Meeting Recording
If you have questions about ESL, contact Courtney Boswell, Coordinator of Special Programs and Assessment at courtney.boswell@acaedu.net or 817.987.1819.
Would you like to receive communication in your home language?
¿Le gustaría recibir comunicaciones en su idioma materno?
Bạn có muốn nhận thông tin liên lạc bằng ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của mình không?