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Medical and Health Exclusion Policies

Medical and Health Exclusion Policies


Fever - Students with a fever ≥ to 100.0° will be sent home.  With temperatures between 99.5° and 99.9°, a parent/guardian will be called and the decision to remove the student from class will be left to the parent/guardian’s discretion.

  • Students sent home for fevers MUST be fever-free for 24 HOURS, without the use of medication, before they will be allowed to return.*

Vomiting If vomiting is related to asthma/coughing, or if there is only 1 episode (without fever), the school nurse will monitor the situation and perform necessary interventions.If there is more than 1 episode, or if vomiting is accompanied by a fever, the student will be sent home.

  • Students sent home for vomiting will not be permitted to return to class until 24 hours have passed since the last episode of vomiting.*


Diarrhea If there is only 1 episode, the school nurse will monitor the situation and perform necessary interventions.If there is more than 1 episode, or if it is associated with a fever, the student will be sent home.

  • Students sent home for diarrhea will not be permitted to return to class until 24 hours have passed since the last episode of diarrhea.*

Pediculosis (Head Lice) We require any student with evidence of live lice to be sent home and treated. If only nits are found, the school nurse will communicate with the parent/guardian, and the decision to remove the student from class will be left to the parent/guardian’s discretion.  Students sent home with live lice must be reassessed and deemed lice free before they will be permitted to return to class.*


Signs of Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Students with signs of conjunctivitis will be sent home until either of the following occur*:

  • Student has been on medication for conjunctivitis for 24 hours, OR
  • A doctor’s note stating that the student is not contagious has been provided to the clinic

  Any student presenting with a rash with associated discharge will be sent home, and excluded from attendance until a doctor’s note stating that the student is not contagious has been provided to the clinic.*   *Any caregiver who picks up a student from school who must be excluded from attendance will receive a written exclusion notice from the clinic stating the reason for the exclusion.     You can find more information about keeping your child at home from school and on communicable diseases here. The chart within this link was provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services.   Please contact your school nurse for any further concerns or questions.