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Griffin Goodfellows

Griffin Goodfellows Overview

Griffin Goodfellows

A Community Service Program for ACA Students

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 ACA’s vision statement speaks about the importance of developing moral leadership skills in our students. The Griffin Goodfellows is a voluntary program designed to keep ACA students ever mindful of their responsibilities to their country, their community, and each other.

If a student performs the required number of community service hours by May 9, 2025, they will receive a certificate and be acknowledged for their acts of service at grade level Awards ceremonies. Students eligible for a Griffin Goodfellow Award are expected to complete the following service hours:

  •  K - 3rd grade = 10 hours
  •  4th -  5th grade =  15 hours
  •  6th -  8th grade =  20 hours

  All hours need to be recorded at home.  If your child is completing service hours for a house of worship, social or non-profit group, those hours may be used for the Griffin Goodfellows program as well.  

To help keep track of Griffin Goodfellow hours, a copy of this form is always available at the front office and on the ACA website. Completed forms are to be turned in to the front office your child attends, by May 9, 2025.

If you have any questions, please ask your child’s teacher or the campus.  

  • Primary Campus / 817-274-2008 
  • Intermediate Campus / 817-303-1553 
  • Middle School Campus / 817-987-1909

  Thank you, ACA Administration   Below is a list of a few of the national organizations that are available that have opportunities for all grade levels throughout the year including the summer months:

Arlington Life Shelter

The 4H Club

Habitat for Humanity

United Way


Ronald McDonald Charities

National MS Foundation – YAMS (youth against MS)

Please discuss this program with your child if you wish to participate.