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Parental Involvement and Family Engagement


%22working together%22

  Parent Involvement & Family Engagement  

Parental involvement is paramount to ACA's existence and to student success.  Parents of our students must understand they are indispensable partners in the success of their child. ACA was founded and is guided by parents who sought a better education for their children. Without parental support and involvement, ACA's vision cannot be achieved.   We believe that parents should be involved in their child's education. Each staff member, teacher, and parent has a critical role. Ultimately, the school depends upon the family. We welcome and encourage parent participation on every level for the betterment of our students. Volunteers are an important part of the ACA culture. Volunteerism can take on many forms and ACA welcomes them all.   The Parent-Teacher Organization is a vital part of ACA's success. The objectives of the PTO are to support the charter of Arlington Classics Academy, support with the highest priority the high academic goals and achievements, to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of general education information and to build a sense of community among students, staff, and parents.   For more information, visit    It is vital to Arlington Classics Academy that parents of ACA students be involved in campus-based and district-based decision making, improvement plans, and policy revisions. If you are interested in participating in any committee for an ACA campus or a district-wide committee, please contact the campus principal or the Executive Director of Schools, Craig Sims, at   The Parent Involvement Policy and guidelines are evaluated annually by the district advisory committee, a committee made up of parents, staff and other ACA stakeholders.  Below are the most recent and final policies and guidelines related to parental involvement:      

Parent and Student Expectations   


 Parents and students understand and agree that the Vision of ACA is to be an educational institution of academic excellence that provides a liberal arts curriculum delivered through a classical style of instruction.  


 Parents and students understand and agree that the Mission of ACA is to equip a diverse student body with a commanding knowledge of western civilization, the origins of liberty, and the ability to sustain that liberty through moral leadership.    


 Parents and students understand and agree that ACA is a "school of choice" designed to provide a rigorous and academically challenging curriculum not typically provided in traditional public schools, with a variety of unique policies and procedures that support its educational mission.  


 Parents and students understand and agree that enrollment into ACA is evidence of this agreement and the agreement to abide by any and all of ACA's policies, procedures, and expectations.  


 Parents and students understand and agree that students are required to wear only approved uniforms to school each and every school day.   

The most recent Parent and Family Engagement newsletter provided by the Parent and Family Engagement Statewide Initiative is available.

  • It is now available in six languages: English, German, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

  • You may print the newsletter, post on your website, or link it to your website and social media sites. You can add your own material to it. Due to copyright restrictions, you cannot select and reproduce individual articles.

  • The newsletter is available on our website  (HERE)

   How can I be involved in my child's education?   There are at least 100 ways you can be involved in your child's education!  These were adapted from the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs. We are certain that our wonderful parents can think of many more...  

  1. Give positive feedback and show appreciation for teachers, staff, and administrators. 
  2. Approach interactions with a positive attitude and an open mind.
  3. Listen to everyone's viewpoint.
  4. Share your child's strengths, talents, and interests with your child's teacher.
  5. Share expectations and set goals together for your child.
  6. Make appointments as needed to discuss your child's progress or any concerns.
  7. Attend parent-teacher conferences with specific questions you want to ask.
  8. Indicate the best way to give you information (phone, emails, notes, etc)
  9. Understand and reinforce school rules and expectations at home.
  10. Participate in informal opportunities to talk with and get to know school staff and educators.
  11. Address concerns or questions honestly, openly, and early on.
  12. Attend ACA PTO or parent meetings regularly.
  13. Read classroom and school newsletters.
  14. Visit
  15. Know school staff extensions and office hours.
  16. Read and know the student handbook and code of conduct.
  17. Request that information is available in your home language if needed.
  18. Share your family's culture and values with your child's school.
  19. Share your perceptions with educators and school staff of how parents are treated.
  20. Work with school staff and educators to revise and improve the perception of the school climate and culture.
  21. Meet your child's friends and get to know their parents.
  22. Contact your school for information on family programs and resources.
  23. Help establish a parent resource center at the school.
  24. Assist in developing parent support programs/groups and attend them.
  25. Attend workshops or seminars on various parenting topics.
  26. Make donations
  27. Offer to volunteer in your child's classrooms, school office, cafeteria, PE classroom, during recess.