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Fentanyl Warning & Information

Fentanyl Kills

Parent Information on Fentanyl

While ACA schools have not received any reports of Fentanyl or opioid abuse among our students, there is a growing threat in the state of Texas to the health and safety of our youth that we want to bring to your attention.  Fentanyl is a man-made, Schedule II narcotic that has reached a growing number of communities of all sizes across Texas (as well as our country) and has impacted so many lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), within the last two years, teen overdose deaths related to Fentanyl have tripled.

 In commitment to the partnership ACA has with parents, ACA will continue to share resources to inform our community about the dangers of Fentanyl. Together, we can help our Griffins make good choices to avoid this dangerous drug and keep it out of our schools and communities.

What can you do as a parent to prevent your teen from falling prey to this deadly trend and help us keep Fentanyl out of our schools and away from our Griffins?

  1. Talk to your teen. Talk about the dangers that they may face at parties and social events. Tell them they can talk to you about things that concern them.

  2. Monitor their social media and app usage. This is a common way that teens get access to this drug.

  3. Encourage your teen to get involved with extra-curricular activities, church, service projects, community, and school organizations. Keeping your teen involved can help battle loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness. 

  4. Know how to access ACA’s anonymous reporting tool (STOP IT). It can be found on the district’s website. Report any suspicion that Fentanyl use, or any other illicit substances, may be occurring in the schools or that someone may be abusing. Encourage your child to do the same. You could save a life. 

  5. Monitor your child’s behavior. Has their behavior changed lately? Do they have a new set of “friends”? Are they keeping to themselves more often than usual?

  6. Seek help if your child is facing a mental health challenge or if you suspect they are using any substance. 

Another way to help your child is to become educated about this deadly drug.  Review these handouts and use them to foster discussions, when appropriate, for you and your family.

Fentanyl Fact Sheet 

Fentanyl Awareness

Common Drug Emojis

One Pill Kills