

    Remind Codes
    Math - 02
    Math - 03
    Math - 05
    Math - 07
    Math - 09
    Math - 10
    Supplies for 2022-2023 school year - these need to be brought to class daily
    All math classes
    Gridded spiral
    Pencils-lots with working erasers
    Colored pencils
    Glue stick
    Grading pen
    1 inch binder for toolkits or some way to keep them safe
    Classroom donations
    Hand held vacuum 
    Lead-0.7mm and .05mm mostly 
    Cap erasers
    Progress reports go home after a quiz or test which is about every other week.  If your student has a grade of a 75% or below, please let me know you saw it by signing it and returning it or emailing me.    
    Please check parent portal for your students grades weekly. If they have a zero, it may be that they did not turn in their practice, it is missing a name, or they were absent.  The math department does not take late work in the practice sections. Zeros really hurt the grade.  If you need a password for parent portal, please contact the front office.
    Tammy Montee 
    7th Grade Math
    "A" day 12:45 - 2:12
    "B" day 10:35 - 12:41