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ACA is committed to a comprehensive literacy program.

Arlington Classics Academy is committed to a comprehensive literacy program.  This program utilizes assessments to tailor instruction and cater to the individual learning needs of each student.  Primary teachers at Arlington Classics Academy follow a systematic and explicit phonics curriculum to ensure that every student achieves proficient reading skills appropriate to their grade level.  Monitoring individual student growth enables us to ensure continuous growth for all students, even high-performing students, year after year.  In a review of 2022/2023 mclass Early & Foundational Literacy Assessment data, a staggering 92% of ACA First Grade students achieved a composite score of Benchmark or above, with an impressive 96% attaining Benchmark or higher on the Oral Reading Fluency subtest which evaluates their capacity to read grade-level connected text accurately and at or above the expected rate.  Reading assessments provide an invaluable tool for teachers to make informed decisions to tailor instruction to individual students.

Mia Russo