•            School Hours / Drop Off &
    Pick Up Times           
    Primary Campus:

    Drop off begins at 7:00 AM and ends at 7:40 AM (Tardy after 7:40 AM)

    Pickup begins at 3:05 PM

    *Mixed Multiples (Primary & Intermediate Families) drop off begins at 7:00 AM at the Primary Campus (drop off through the Primary line ends at 7:40) and pickup is at 3:30 PM
    Intermediate Campus:
    Drop off begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 8:05 AM (Tardy after 8:05 AM)
    Pick up begins at 3:30 PM (No early pick-ups after 2:45PM) 
    Middle School Campus:
    Drop off begins at 7:45 AM and ends at 8:20 AM (Tardy after 8:20 AM)
    Pick up begins at 3:50 PM (No early pick-ups after 3:15PM)